Physical Therapy For Wrist Sprain
One of the most frustrating ailments to deal with is wrist pain. It can debilitate you in every aspect of life. Work, sleep, and hobbies can all be aggravated by wrist pain. Activities you once loved can soon be overshadowed by chronic wrist pain. Luckily our Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness Group team is just a phone call away from starting the journey back to a full recovery. Please visit our website today if you need a physical therapist in Manhattan, NY. We would love to help you rehabilitate your injury. Our team is skilled, personable, and experienced. Don’t hesitate. Get your health back today!
Types of Wrist Pain
Wrist pain is a fairly common injury because there are many different types. There can be sudden impacts or chronic, long-term pain. If you fall and sprain or fracture your wrist, that would be an example of a sudden impact injury. A chronic, long-term injury would be something like arthritis. Both of these are treatable, but they have different feelings of pain. If you have wrist pain and need a physical therapist in Manhattan, NY, please go to our website immediately.
Risk Factors
The following risk factors put you at a higher risk of experiencing wrist pain:
- Sports activity
- Repeated work activities
- Diseases or conditions
The factors listed above will make it easier for you to have wrist pain. This doesn’t mean people that don’t have these risk factors won’t get wrist pain, but it does decrease their chances. If you have wrist pain, come see the premier physical therapist in Manhattan, NY, to resolve that problem.
Visit Our Physical Therapist In Manhattan NY
One of the most frustrating ailments to deal with is wrist pain. It can debilitate you in every aspect of life. Work, sleep, and hobbies can all be aggravated by wrist pain. Manhattan Sports Medicine is centered on your needs, from simple mobility issues to chronic and complex conditions. We answer your questions with clarity and ask our questions thoroughly. So please come to MSM Wellness if you need a physical therapist in Manhattan, NY. We have the experience, passion, and dedication it takes to make lives better!