Welcome To Our Physical Therapy in Financial District

Manhattan Sports Medicine A Physical Therapy in Financial District is firmly rooted in collaborative care. We feel this is the future of healthcare, so we take great pride in offering a world-class team of physicians to suit your every need. Our facilities are pleased to offer chiropractic care, physical therapy, orthopedics, sports medicine/interventional pain management, acupuncture, Podiatry, functional breast reduction, medical massage, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Starting from the ground up, this collaborative effort has yielded thousands of success stories spanning nearly two decades. Whether you are a top-performing athlete or an individual seeking a more active, pain-free life lifestyle, Manhattan Sports Medicine And Wellness Group is your premier one-stop shop for cutting-edge healthcare.

Better Health, Better Performance

Manhattan Sports Medicine is a group of physicians, chiropractors and therapists dedicated to helping New Yorkers lead physically dynamic lives, free from pain. Whether you are a top performing athlete or an individual seeking a more active, pain-free life lifestyle, Manhattan Sports Medicine comes to your aid with decades of expertise in a varied range of methodologies.

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    7 Reasons To Start Stretching Every Day

    Stretching is a very important part of our daily routines. Oftentimes, stretching is skipped because we are in a rush, or we simply do not recognize all the health benefits of stretching every day. The two most common types of stretching are static and dynamic. Static stretching involves holding a position for about 30 seconds. Dynamic stretching involves performing active movements that require your muscles to stretch, to warm them up. The doctors at MSM Wellness’s Physical Therapy in Financial District encourage you to start stretching every day for the following reasons.              Physical Therapy in Financial District

    • Stretching Increases Your Flexibility – Starting to stretch every day will increase very important flexibility. Flexibility can lead to decreased pain after a workout or injury. It can also reduce the mobility you lose as you get older. For specific stretches to improve flexibility, visit MSM Wellness’s physical Therapy in Financial District.
    • Stretching Improves Your Range Of Motion – Stretching daily can improve your range of motion, which allows you to move your joints freely and with ease.
    • Helps Your Muscles Recover Faster – Stretching can not only help your muscles recover faster after a workout, but also an injury. If you suddenly injure yourself, the muscles will recover faster and the tension will be relieved quicker.


    • Increases Blood Flow – Stretching daily increases your muscles’ blood flow and improves circulation. Good circulation is important for your health because it reduces muscle soreness and speeds up recovery time.
    • Improves Posture – Stretching improves body alignment and reduces pain, making it easier to stand and sit straight. 
    • Decreases Back Pain – Muscle tightness is common in the back. When you stretch, that tension is released which decreases the pain and soreness people often experience in their back. Contact our physical therapy office in midtown manhattan for stretching techniques specifically for back pain.
    • Relieves stress – Stretching mixed with meditation like yoga is a great way to release stress. Stress puts tension on our bodies and mind, and stretching is a helpful way to release that and calm ourselves down.

    Contact Our Physical Therapy in Financial District!

    Stretching every day has many benefits for our physical and mental health. The MSM Wellness team encourages you to stretch every day for these added benefits. For more information, contact our physical therapy office in midtown manhattan!

    Physical Therapy for Wrist Tendonitis

    Wrist Tendonitis can be painful and inhibit your daily routines because it limits mobility. If you do not receive prompt treatment, it can permanently damage the tendons. If you are concerned you may have wrist tendonitis, visit Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness Group to get a diagnosis and begin treatment. We offer physical therapy in financial district too! Actions that can lead to Wrist Tendonitis are: physical therapy in financial district

    • Typing
    • Playing Video Games
    • Texting
    • Writing
    • Wrist-Intensive Sports (i.e. tennis)
    • Wrist-Intensive Physical Labor (i.e., hammering)

    Wrist Tendonitis is inflammation in the tendons that connect the forearm to the hand. The cause of this condition is repetitive movements over a period of time. 


    Wrist Tendonitis is usually easy to diagnose by yourself, but some symptoms overlap with other conditions, which is why it is best to verify with a doctor. This type of injury is not a typical accident-produced injury; rather, it is the result of overuse, which means that you can take steps to avoid damage before symptoms arrive. If you are concerned that you might be at risk for Wrist Tendonitis, visit our office for physical therapy in financial district to find out about preventative care. 

    If you have any of the following symptoms, you may already have Wrist Tendonitis: 

    • Stiffness
    • Pain
    • Swelling

    Once you know the symptoms, you can get started on treatment. The best way to treat Wrist Tendonitis is by exercising and stretching under the guidance of a physical therapist. We have you covered if you are looking for physical therapy in the financial district!


    After visiting a physician, a wrist splint is the first step toward recovery. A wrist splint allows the tendons to remain and rest in a neutral position. This will usually last one to three days. Rest is valuable to facilitate the body’s natural healing response to Wrist Tendonitis. 

    Contact MSM Wellness For Physical Therapy In Financial District

    After rest, we recommend starting physical therapy treatment to strengthen and restore wrist mobility. Our physical therapy in financial district will start with an evaluation to determine the best treatment plan. Contact us today to make an appointment and get the treatment for your Wrist Tendonitis. Your new pain-free life can start today!

    Physical Therapy For Elbow Bone Spurs

    Elbow bone spurs result from all the tremendous forces we place on the elbow joint daily with repetitive activities involving overhead movements. These forces can cause pieces of the cartilage or bone of the elbow joint surface to chip off and become lose fragments. These fragments get stuck in unwanted areas of the elbow joint, causing those afflicted to often experience a loss of range of motion and a locking sensation when trying to extend the arm. Luckily, elbow bone spurs can be treated through non-surgical means, with the help of the experts at Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness group, Physical Therapy in Financial District! They lay out exactly how a physical therapy regimen can help treat your elbow bone spurs today!

     How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Elbow Bone Spurs:Physical Therapy in Financial District

    Since elbow bone spurs are an overuse injury, physical therapy will revolve around the stretching and strengthening of the muscles involved with the movement of the elbow joint.  

    • Stretching: Stretching is an important staple for elbow bone spurs physical therapy for its effect on the arm muscles. Stretching the muscles that connect in the elbow joint promotes a greater range of motion and flexibility and lubricates the joint for more comfortable movement. These attributes acquired through stretching routines laid out by your physical therapist will assist you with the movements you perform daily that led to your elbow bone spurs in the first place.
    • Strengthening: the arm muscles connected to the elbow is just as important as making sure they are limber. The arm muscles act as shock absorbers for the elbow joint, so the presence of more, stronger muscle fibers in the area will greatly protect the joint from the damaging forces experienced during activity.  

    The elbow bone spurs can progress if a physical therapy routine isn’t adopted early for this injury. When they progress, non-surgical methods may no longer be able to return the patient to pre-injury activity and comfort levels, so act quickly!   

     Contact MSM Wellness For Physical Therapy in Financial District!

    For an injury such as nuisance as elbow bone spurs are, you need the best of the best to help you in your recovery process! Our doctors are experts in elbow anatomy and are prepared for the complexity of dealing with these kinds of injuries through non-surgical means. Contact our experts at Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness Group, Physical Therapy in Financial District, for your elbow bone spurs physical therapy treatment today!

    Can Physical Therapy Help With A Pulled Back Muscle?

    Physical Therapy in Financial District

    Pulled muscles happen. Maybe you feel some pain when lunging or it has become a bit tougher to stretch your arm out. The pain from these movements is certainly not ideal, but the stakes get a bit higher when your back is the focus area. Pulling a muscle in your back could have effects beyond muscle pain and tenderness. Getting started with Physical Therapy in Financial District with MSM Wellness is the first step to recovery from a pulled back muscle.

    What is a Pulled Back Muscle?

    Unlike a pulled muscle of the arm or the leg, pulling a muscle in the back can be a bit more painful. If a muscle of the back is stretched too far, it becomes strained, and its tissue gets torn. As this happens, it loses some of its strength, making it harder to hold up your spinal column properly. The spine will then lose stability, cause lower back strain, and spread pain throughout your body.


    While a few of these are unavoidable, learning some of the main causes of a pulled back muscle could help you be a bit more cautious. Here are some examples:

    • Lifting heavy objects
    • Physical exertion
    • Repetitive bending down
    • Improper posture
    • Being overweight or out of shape
    • Falling
    • Stress

    No matter what the cause, starting treatment through Physical Therapy in Financial District will introduce you to a recovery path for you and your physical needs.

    Treatment of Muscle Strain

    As for treating your muscle strain, be sure to connect with a medical professional first. The back is an important part of the body, so healing it appropriately is essential. The basics of treatment include ice, heat, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Beyond these, Physical Therapy in Financial District is a great next step. 

    • First, it is excellent at encouraging movement. When treating a pulled muscle, bed rest is not ideal. Gentle physical activity is actually helpful. A physical therapist can evaluate your strain and guide you through appropriate exercises.
    • Second, physical therapy can help you build back some strength. After your muscle weakened and struggled to support your spinal column, safely regaining its strength should relieve pain and improve the state of your back. A physical therapist can provide safe and targeted exercises for this.

    Physical Therapy in Financial District at MSM Wellness

    As you experience muscle strain, taking appropriate steps to recovery is essential. Connecting with our team at MSM Wellness to begin treatment through physical therapy will allow you to get targeted and professional care, supporting your full recovery. To book an appointment with our experienced team of physical therapists, contact us today!

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