Physical Therapy For Elbow Bone Spurs

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Elbow bone spurs result from all the tremendous forces we place on the elbow joint daily with repetitive activities involving overhead movements. These forces can cause pieces of the cartilage or bone of the elbow joint surface to chip off and become lose fragments. These fragments get stuck in unwanted areas of the elbow joint, causing those afflicted to often experience a loss of range of motion and a locking sensation when trying to extend the arm. Luckily, elbow bone spurs can be treated through non-surgical means, with the help of the experts at Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness group, physical therapy near wall street! We lay out exactly how a physical therapy regimen can help treat your bone spur elbow, contact our team today!

 How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Elbow Bone Spurs:Physical Therapy near Wall Street

Since elbow bone spurs are an overuse injury, physical therapy will revolve around the stretching and strengthening of the muscles involved with the movement of the elbow joint.  

  • Stretching: Stretching is an important staple for spurs of the elbow physical therapy for its effect on the arm muscles. Stretching the muscles that connect in the elbow joint promotes a greater range of motion and flexibility and lubricates the joint for more comfortable movement. These attributes acquired through stretching routines laid out by your physical therapist will assist you with the movements you perform daily that led to your bone spur in elbow in the first place.
  • Strengthening: the arm muscles connected to the elbow is just as important as making sure they are limber. The arm muscles act as shock absorbers for the elbow joint, so the presence of more, stronger muscle fibers in the area will greatly protect the joint from the damaging forces experienced during activity.  

The bone spur on elbow can progress if a physical therapy routine isn’t adopted early for this injury. When they progress, non-surgical methods may no longer be able to return the patient to pre-injury activity, reduce pain and comfort levels, so act quickly!   

 Contact MSM Wellness For Physical Therapy near Wall Street!

For an injury such as nuisance as elbow bone spurs are, you need the best of the best to help you in your recovery process! Our doctors are experts in elbow anatomy and are prepared for the complexity of dealing with these kinds of injuries through non-surgical means. Contact our experts at Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness Group, physical therapy near wall street, for your elbow bone spurs physical therapy treatment today!


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