Neck Injury Prevention for Desk Workers

If you’ve ever had to sit for hours on end working on the computer, you are probably familiar with the aches and pains that come with it. Neck and back pain are common for desk workers since sloppy posture or bad screen position can slowly lead to muscle and joint pain. MSM Wellness has a neck pain physical therapy Manhattan that can help relieve your pain symptoms. Read more about how to prevent these pains in the first place.

How to Prevent Neck Injury neck pain physical therapy manhattan

The part of your body most at risk when working at computers for a long time is the neck and back. Bad habits can lead to worn or stiff joints and aching muscles. Here are some recommendations from our neck pain physical therapy Manhattan.

  • Screen Level – One of the best ways to prevent neck injuries is to ensure you are at eye level with your monitor. If the screen is too low, you have to chuck your chin into your chest, which can lock up the joints in the neck.
  • Correct Screen Angle – Similar to the previous tip, this applies if you use multiple monitors. It would be best if you put the main monitor directly in front of you and the secondary monitor slightly off to the side. The goal is to prevent constant head turns to reduce strain on the neck muscles.
  • Take Breaks – Take a few minutes to stand up and stretch or move around after extended time at the computer. A good general rule is to take a 1-minute break every 30 minutes. This allows your muscles to stretch out and is a good time to reset your posture.

Visit Us For Neck Pain Physical Therapy Manhattan

Thousands of people across the US have to sit at their computers for hours and end up accruing pains and aches all over their bodies. If you’re suffering from pain, contact MSM Wellness; our specialized neck pain physical therapy Manhattan has all the resources to help you. Our team have been working with aches for years and will provide you with the highest quality customer care.