How Exercise Can Help With Metatarsalgia Pain
Metatarsalgia pain is when the ball on your foot becomes inflamed, irritated, and painful. This can disrupt your daily activities and make them less enjoyable. If you are experiencing pain in your feet, especially on the balls of your feet, get in touch with Manhattan Sports Medicine Wellness today. We are premier physical therapy near Penn station. We have a wonderful team ready to get to work. We are excited to help you get back to your healthy self.
What Are The Symptoms?
The symptoms of Metatarsalgia you may experience are:
- Pain that worsens when you stand
- Sharp pain in the balls of your feet
- Tingling pain in your toes
- It feels like a pebble in your shoe
If you relate to any of these symptoms and need to find physical therapy near Penn station, visit our website today.
What Are The Causes?
There are many causes of Metatarsalgia and different risk factors. Here are some causes:
- Frequent training or exercise
- Excess Weight
- Misshapen shoes
- Stress fractures
- Certain foot shapes
These are some causes, and to be more specific, we have included risk factors that may help you find the cause:
- Wear High heel shoes
- Obese
- Play intense sports
- Have arthritis
- Experience other foot problems
Different forms of treatment may benefit you. Some of them include:
- Massaging the balls of your feet
- Arching your feet and holding for six seconds
- Rest
- Pain medication (safely)
- Ice packs on the sore area
- Getting properly fitted shoes
- Low impact exercise
- Yoga and Cycling
If you have any questions and need to speak to someone in physical therapy near Penn station, we would like to help. Click here to learn more on our website.
Visit MSM Wellness Physical Therapy near Penn Station
We are premier physical therapy near Penn station and have the tools, resources, and personnel to accomplish our goals of helping you. Our team is dedicated and intelligent to help you live pain-free again! We are compassionate towards our patients. So if you need help getting healthy and enjoying life again, contact us right now. We are looking forward to working with you.